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3rd Annual Bryan's Ride

Upcoming: 3rd Annual Bryan’s Ride

Bryan’s ride this year will take off from the Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast Maine and end at the Challenger Space Center in Bangor.

Date: July 27, 2024.  Kickstands Up 10 AM

Registration at Troy Howard Middle School, Belfast at 9 AM

Cost to ride: $5 a wheel / Donations will be accepted

Raffle for prizes will be $1 a ticket or $5 for 6 Tickets

50/50 raffle will be held on the day of the event.

T-shirts and bracelets will be available for purchase at the Troy Howard Middle School and at the Challenger Center after the ride.

Food and drinks (cost is by donation):

Food and drinks (non-alcoholic LOL) will be available at the Challenger Center and everyone is welcome to tour the facility to learn more about where the money you help raised goes.

Bathrooms will be available and A/C to get out of the heat.

2023 Totman Strong, Inc. donation to the Challenger Center of Maine Astronaut Program

Totman Strong, Inc. Donates $6,500 to the Challenger Learning Center of Maine

Today we all had the honor of delivering the scholarship money that you all helped us raise to Sarah and Kirsten of Challenger Learning Center of Maine at the Ames Elementary School in Searsmont.

We raised $6,500, which is equivalent to 15 scholarships for next summer!

Kirsten and Sarah also delivered several books to Kristen Byrer, Librarian, that were donated to the special section dedicated in Bryan’s memory of the Ames School library, by the recipients of last year’s scholarship awards, each with a special message from the camper.

It has been an exciting day, which we could not have accomplished without ALL of you and the support of the entire community.

Bryan would be incredibly proud of all of us.

Thank you all so very much.